Route map

The road map is used as a route yardstick for Jump development. There may be differences and changes in this process.If there are major adjustments,we will officially announce them as soon as possible.

●Q3 2022-Release Jump1.0 and start NFT sales at the same time, and will gradually unlock a variety of NFT scenarios;

●Q4 2022-Release entertainment sector

●Q1-Q2 2023-Start the ranking competition

●Q3-Q4 2023-Release governance token

●Q1-Q2 2024-Release Rising town 2.0 will realize the intercommunication between town operation and Jump 1.0 JGB currency to make the game ecosystem more comprehensive;

●Q3-Q4 2024-Start farm construction, including planting and breeding, build a town, and create your own world;

●Q1 2025-Start real estate development and construction to lay the foundation for the opening of business district in the later period vision. The real estate you own in Jump 1.0 can be traded and leased in the market.

●Q2 2025-Release business district and gradually improve more business modules;

●Q3-Q4 2025-Release Happy Treasure metaverse 3.0 which will combine AR, VR cloud computing, socializing, shopping, self-creation and town business scenarios to realize virtual and physical integration and enrich game fun.

Last updated